The Impact Accelerator LINK group (Lay Involvement in Knowledge Mobilisation), along with members of Keele’s Research User Group, have co-produced the following information resources for the public to raise awareness of the JIGSAW-E approach.

Tasked with answering the question ‘how do we make the public aware that this resource is available’, members of the LINK group have designed an eye catching, patient friendly, informative poster to promote the Guidebook and the JIGSAW-E service in primary care. Connections with local Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) were particularly useful in this piece of work. The poster, along with accompanying leaflets and GP waiting room screens, is now in place in GP practices across the West Midlands.


The group have also devised a leaflet on hand osteoarthritis, based on evidence from Keele University’s SMOOTH trial

Hand osteoarthritis guide