Senior Lecturer in General Practice / JIGSAW-E GP Champion

Dr. Vince Cooper’s main role within the Implementation Team is to lead the roll-out of the Osteoarthritis (JIGSAW) programme in Shropshire, with a view to implementing it more widely, including our European initiative, JIGSAW-E.

Vince’s main interest and expertise is in education; in this context, developing educational programmes, materials and clinician support packages, delivering workshops and developing the concept of clinical champions to promote implementation projects at local levels.

As a GP, Vince can also help the team engage with clinicians and orientate implementation projects to achieve most effective engagement by the clinicians we need to deliver enhanced care. Besides this role in the Implementation Team, Vince is involved in the ENHANCE and StarTMSK research programmes within the Institute, providing opportunities to share ideas and experiences between implementation and research project design e.g. similarity of training needs and approaches, design of clinical templates.