Patient Focus

Within these pages you will find information for patients with osteoarthritis. In partciualar:

Osteoarthritis Guidebook

Patient Champions and Patient Champion Stories

Patient Co-Produced Resources

Community of Practice and the Patient Panel

Influencing the Wider Public

How Patients have Shaped JIGSAW-E

Support for mental health and long term pain

All the information has been co-developed as part of the JIGSAW-E project with patients, public, academics, clinical staff and colleagues. You can read more about patient involvement in the project below.


Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)

JIGSAW-E has been described as having ‘gold standard Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement’

From the project launch in 2016, an international network of JIGSAW-E Patient Champions (The Patient Panel) have been an integral and vital part of the Community of Practice. They advise on project developments and contribute to specific activities, such as the development of patient information resources and promotional materials.

The development of PPIE groups in partner countries have been supported by the PPIE Lead and  International Knowledge Broker in the UK. The UK team engage with a wider patient group (‘LINK group’), whose membership include links to local healthcare organisation. The Dutch and Portuguese teams have also engaged with and created working relationships with national osteoarthritis  patient organisations.

Champions have been actively involved in the co-production of JIGSAW-E patient-facing resources and innovations, including the translation and cultural adaptation of the JIGSAW-E Osteoarthritis Guidebook.

Other significant PPIE activities include the co-production of a unified OA Quality Indicators questionnaire, bringing together existing English and Norwegian questionnaires. UK Patient Champions contributed to the content and wording of the new questionnaire. This will be translated by the other partner countries. The Patient Champions have also contributed to the development of patient awareness-raising posters and screen slides decks for showing in GP practices.

In this section you can find out more about patient involvement in the project and learn how Patient Champions have been instrumental in shaping JIGSAW-E.

The team