What is a Patient Champion?

The JIGSAW-E Community of Practice is made up of various champions, all tasked with promoting and supporting the project in their respective fields of expertise. Just as there are physiotherapy champions, nurse champions and GP champions, there are also patient champions.

Patient Champions are a core group of patients with experience of osteoarthritis who work closely alongside the rest of the project team. Each Patient Champion contributes to the project, identifying ways to drive it forward and helping to overcome any problems. They make sure that the patient voice is listened to.

Patient Champions also:

  • Act as the voice of patients and the public in the JIGSAW-E project
  • Ensure that the project remains patient-centered and relevant to their country
  • Support the implementation of the JIGSAW-E innovations
  • Link with other Patient Champions within individual countries through the JIGSAW-E newsletter, Skype calls and meetings
  • Co produce information and resources for patients as part of the roll out of JIGSAW-E

Patient Champions have been instrumental in the JIGSAW-E project.

You can find out more about our Patient Champions by reading about their experiences here:


Maartin de Wit


Anne Kristine

Hilda Buitelaar

Kathy Fell

John Murphy

Patient Champions team are supported by a nominated PPIE lead and member of the JIGSAW-E team in each respective country.

The Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Teams at Keele University and Leiden University, coordinate and support the Patient Panel. It is connected by an International PPIE Knowledge Broker.

Project teams in each JIGSAW-E country look to engage with people from other patient groups, organisations and charities, to help support the JIGSAW-E project. Along with the nominated Patient Champions, these make up the wider Patient Panel.


What does it mean to be a Patient Champion?