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There are currently 7 names in this directory beginning with the letter P.
Patient champions
Patients who help push forward new ideas into healthcare settings. The patient will usually have experience of the condition for which they are trying to promote a treatment.

Patient pathway
This is the route that a patient will take from their first contact with an NHS member of staff (usually their GP), through referral, to the completion of their treatment. It also covers the period from entry into a hospital or a Treatment Centre, until the patient leaves

PPGs (Patient Participation Groups)
Every GP practice in England is required to have a PPG group. Patient Participation Groups have a key role to play as they help ensure that patients and carers can influence their local care services.

PPIE (Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement)
Involvement - actively involving patients, families, carers and members of the public to advice and shape research and healthcare. Engagement – connecting with people about health research and sharing information

Primary Care
Health services providing first point of contact care for patients (e.g. general practices, district nursing, and community-based health services)

The likely course of a medical condition in the future

Public Health England
Public Health England provides national leadership and expert services to support public health, and also works with local government and the NHS to respond to emergencies